Official Community Plan
& Zoning Bylaw
We are excited to announce that the Village of Richmound intends to adopt a new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw in late 2024 and early 2025.
The Official Community Plan will describe the community’s unified vision and mission for the Village's future. It will be a growth management tool that aims to set the course for the municipality's physical, environmental, economic, social, or cultural development.
The Zoning Bylaw will be the primary tool available to the municipality to implement the Official Community Plan's vision. It aims to ensure the orderly development of the community by designating specific zoning districts for each area of the municipality and by regulating land use and development in those districts.
Feedback from local landowners, residents, and business owners will inform these important documents. We want to hear your thoughts on how to ensure that our Official Community Plan is responsive to our community's unique needs.

Project Reasoning
With a population of 118 and a median population age of 48.8 (Statistics Canada, 2021 Census), the Village has experienced a notable decline in population and employment rates over the past two decades. These challenges require up-to-date and adequate development policies that meet the municipality's current and future needs.
While an Interim Development Control Bylaw has been adopted, a long-term development and planning policy framework is necessary to guide the municipality forward. An Official Community Plan will allow the Village to set out its future, manage land use and development, and protect the interest of our residents in the long term.
Planning and Development in Saskatchewan
In Saskatchewan, The Planning and Development Act, 2007 enables municipalities to manage land use and development through the adoption of official community plans and zoning bylaws. In general terms, a municipality’s official community plan and zoning bylaw aims to meet the following objectives:
• Establish a framework for land use, growth and development for all parties to follow, thereby creating certainty for the future of the community;
• Set out a desired framework for development by defining goals, objectives & policies;
• Inform residents of a community about how Council intends to direct and manage the community’s needs and expectations;
• Provide opportunities for input by all affected interests in community planning;
• Clarify the municipal role in the development process;
• Guide Council in making municipal decisions; and
• Empower Council to enforce land use decisions and reduce land use conflicts.
Project Timeline

Public Engagement

More Information - Contacts
Village Office
Highway 371
Richmound, SK S0N 2E0
Email: richmound.village@sasktel.net
Telephone: 306.669.4415
Fax: 306.669.2044
Monday - Wednesday
9:00am - 4:00pm