Garbage & Recycling Pick-Up Schedule 2022
Blue Bins
What can be recycled & what cannot.
soap containers, Spot remover bottles, Bleach containers
Shampoo bottles, Body wash bottles, Conditioner bottles, Plastic hair spray bottles, Plastic shaving containers, Toilet paper cores, Tissue boxes
Plastic Pill bottles
Milk jugs & Milk cartons, Creamer cartons & bottles, Paper egg cartons, Soup, Vegetable, and any other food cans, Aluminum and tin cans, Pie tins, Plastic Juice bottles, Juice cans, Yogurt containers, Salad dressing containers, Cereal boxes, Pizza boxes - unsoiled
Office paper, Catalogs, Phone books, Sticky notes, Scrap paper, Cardboard boxes flattened, Paper bags
Items not accepted
Plastic Wrap, Plastic bags, no food containers labelled #1, Glass, Styrofoam, Ceramics, Light bulbs, Soiled cardboard, Hazardous chemical containers, Scrap metal, Car parts, Plastic toys, Wood or household garbage